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Description: Toggles the button to active and displays it
Mapped Command:
FUNCTION __ActIconButton(label)
local currcolor
local handle := __ScanObjects(label) // get a handle if possible
if handle > 0 // find out if the button exists
_handles_[handle,9] := ActiveObject // status (active)
msethot(handle, ;
__XdGE(_handles_[handle,2] - (_icnwidt_/2)), ;
__YdGE((_handles_[handle,1] + _icnheig_) - (_icnheig_/2)), ;
__XdGE_(_icnwidt_), ;
if _handles_[handle,7] // if a shadow has been selected, display shadow
currcolor := setcolor() // save the current color
setcolor(_eshadow_) // set color to the shadow color and draw the shadow box
loadicon(_dgepath_ + "gllibr.ico")
setcolor(currcolor) // restore the Clipper color
endif // if shadow
else // otherwise the button doesn't exists
__HandleError(NoSuchLabel,label) // process the error
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson